An update from the trenches
I knew that this semester would be particularly busy, seeing what I had on my plate. So far, I am still standing – putting in
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I knew that this semester would be particularly busy, seeing what I had on my plate. So far, I am still standing – putting in
I have been thinking recently a lot on how I can support my students and younger colleagues. I already wrote about how we can support
As I have been mulling over the limitations of citation metrics in relation to being a top 2% scientist, I found myself thinking about what
Sign up here to get access to worksheets for your research that help you have more efficient meetings, reflect on your work, and plan your month. Suitable for anyone from Master’s thesis students to full professors!
Sign up here to get access to worksheets for your research that help you have more efficient meetings, reflect on your work, and plan your month. Suitable for anyone from Master’s thesis students to full professors!