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Q&A: PhD and pregnancy

Recently, I received the following question from a reader (edited for anonomity):Dear Eva, I recently came across your Book and blog. I am finishing my master Somewhere and starting to apply to PhD positions in NL for directly after my…

Vrouwennetwerk 2.0

This post is in Dutch - in short: I'm heading to Universiteit Utrecht to give a workshop on (micro)blogging for PhDs and Post-Docs on November 8th. Het Vrouwennetwerk van de Universiteit Utrecht organiseert op 8 november aanstaande haar tweejaarlijkse netwerkdag.…


Today, during lunch, I attended a presentation on the diversity policy of TU Delft, and here's a quick overview of what struck me most:- Even though the Netherlands is one of the most progressive and developed countries around, it has…

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