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Introducing: Writers’ Lab

A new year, a new series of posts!

I’ll be featuring a series of posts, specifically about writing: the Writers’ Lab.

What can you expect from the Writers’ Lab?

You’ll find hacks, tips and tricks about writing, as well as best practices, and a lot about what I learned while writing my dissertation.

But besides the academic writing stories, I’m also inviting writers from all niches and all ways of life to share their stories and insights. As I’m convinced that the general lines are the same for all writers, regardless of their output, I want to create a space where we can all learn from each other. The narrative behind the words, the story behind the stories is what we will try to cover from all different angles.

Write for the Lab

If you want to contribute with a guest post for the Writers’ Lab, just pitch me through the Contact page.

If you are a writer (in the broadest definition), give me a shout out – I am also planning to feature a series of interviews.

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