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Some changes to PhD Talk

Dear readers,

For quite some time now, I’ve been faithfully posting each Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 6pm Central European Time, with a short break in the flow of posts during the Winter holidays.

Regardless of how busy work got, I somehow always managed to keep the posts coming. During wrapping up of my dissertation, while I was out traveling to conferences and in those times when just many things seem to come together – writing posts never had to take the backseat.

However, I’ve been toying with some ideas to improve this website and bring some new things for you guys – which will take me some time to develop. The last few months, I noticed that I almost, but not quite, started to fall behind my posting schedule. If you look closely, you’ll see that I have missed 2 posts in the recent months.

To give myself a little more leeway in my busy schedule (some more traveling and fieldwork is coming up shortly), I’ve decided to reduce my posts to 2 posts per week, on Tuesday and Thursday. And as the dust of the semester settles, I hope to find some extra time to bring some new features to this blog.

By all means – keep your questions coming. I enjoy doing my Q&A posts – feels like I’m actually doing something totally relevant for someone. And as always, guest posts are very welcome – I love featuring different opinions, views and voices over here.

Wishing you all a wonderful fall semester,


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