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The 10 best albums of 2018

As every year, I’m presenting you my 10 favorite albums of 2018. I must say, I liked a lot of albums that were released this year – full list on my Spotify (note: two times Anneke van Giersbergen as guest vocalist in these favorite albums):

10. Primordial – Exile amongst the ruins

9. Epics vs Attack on Titan Songs

8. Ashbury Heights – Victorian Wallflowers

7. Rave the Reqviem – Fvneral (sic)

6. Lux Terminus – The Courage to Be

5. Madder Mortem – Marrow

4. Therion – Beloved Antichrist

3. Orphaned Land – Unsung Prophets and Dead Messiahs

2. Oceans of Slumber – The Banished heart

1. Amorphis – Queen of Time

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