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The Desks of Academia

I recently ran a poll to see if most of us have clean or messy desks – or something in between.

I work at four desks: my home, my office in Ecuador, my office in the Netherlands, and my room in the Netherlands.
My desk at home is in a room that also has the baby’s changing station and other baby stuff. Bay stuff easily migrates to the flat surfaces of my desk. I’m trying to clean in up and redesign it as a work spot, not a random dump-stuff-here place, but that’s work in progress.
My desk at my office in Ecuador is clean (the desk itself), but stuff spills over on my meeting table and side table.
My desk in the Netherlands is spotless – when I’m not there, I want to have the space available for any temporary guest who may need a place to work. Similarly, my desk in my room in the Netherlands is clean.

Here’s the poll and its wake:

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