2024 in review: highlights
One of my end-of-year practices includes looking back at the past year and seeing the highlights of each month. This is what 2024 looked like for me:
- January: TRB 2024, dealing with the fallout of the internal war in Ecuador.
- February: PhD defense of Sebastiaan.
- March: LATAM-SEC conference.
- April: Getting promoted to Associate Professor, visit of exchange PhD candidate, power cuts.
- May: keynote at CBPE in Brazil.
- June: traveling to Delft, IABMAS 2024 trip.
- July: summer holiday in Denmark.
- August: working in the Netherlands with my daughter in the university’s childcare.
- September: IABSE conference in Costa Rica, start of the new set of power cuts up to 18 hours per day.
- October: ABET visit, work on proposals.
- November: trip to Colombia, submit EU proposal.
- December: final exams and end-of-year celebrations.
Overall, this is 2023 in a nutshell:
- 3 ongoing research projects in the Netherlands
- 3 ongoing projects in Ecuador
- supervising 11 PhD candidates at various levels of involvement
- supervising 1 post-doc
- worked with 3 MSc students
- 25 publications in Google Scholar and 16 in Scopus
What are your highlights of the past year?
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