My weekly template for the summer 2020 semester
I’ve noticed that I’ve been wanting to compare my weekly templates from previous semesters, but did not keep track of them. So I decided to put my weekly template for the Summer of 2020 here, for reference (week of June 22nd taken from my Google Calendar). I’ve taken out the names of my PhD students that have weekly calls with me for their privacy, but you get the idea. The red block is an appointment for a meeting that would have taken place if I’d had been in Delft. Another red block doesn’t even show up: a course that I need to take for my University Teaching Qualification, which most likely will be online, but 2:30am – 6:00 am in my timezone. I’m not sure about that, and my daughter and husband will not appreciate this.
Anyway, I have a heavy teaching load this summer (whereas normally I don’t teach over the summer). These are also big timeblocks, not including breaks and lunch. I also don’t know what my childcare situation will look like over the summer and when our nanny will be able to return to work. We’ve been sending our daughter to her grandmother now for childcare, but that’s only a temporary solution.