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My Fall 2022 Weekly Template

My Fall 2022 weekly template

At the start of every semester, I outline the structure of my weeks with a weekly template. My weekly template for the fall semester is not fully ready yet, as I’ll only know my daughter’s activities over the course of September, but I know what needs to get done this semester.

Overall, my Fall 2022 template follows the same breakdown for MWF for teaching-service-admin and TT for research and writing and ideally no meetings as I’ve been using for a few semesters now.

Some changes are:

  • I’m teaching on Saturdays, which is new to me – and I know I’ll have to be dosing my energy throughout the week because I’m not getting a full weekend this semester and I even will be teaching on the weekends that are official holidays etc.
  • I need more time to prepare the courses I’ll be teaching in quarters 4 and 5 of the MSc program in Delft, so I’ve scheduled in more teaching preparation time.
  • I also added my lunch breaks as a meeting on my university calendars so that nobody can book a meeting at that time.

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