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An Update To My Fall 2022 Weekly Template

An update to my Fall 2022 weekly template

Sometimes, plans don’t work out or change.

This semester, my weekly template had to undergo some changes near the start of the semester:

  • I realized right before the start of classes that my Monday-Wednesday class got moved to Tuesday-Thursday. So, I now try to keep blocks of time open on Monday and Wednesday for research. Since I already had a lot planned ahead, the reality is much more messy.
  • I added in time to go to the gym. For the first time since 2016, I have a gym membership again, and I’m going in the early morning. Sometimes I go in the afternoon. I’m trying to go four times a week.
  • I added in my daughter’s extracurriculars. She “only” has music class and Dutch class. I was too late to sign her up for the extracurricular of her school. (They sent the email in the morning, and by the time we signed up at 4pm, it was already full – I hate how everything in Ecuador is tailored to have a parent at home who can immediately respond to these things. I needed time to figure out the driving logistics, and even though I was coordinating this while at work, I was still too late.) The other extracurriculars require two afternoons a week, and coincide either with her music or dutch classes. I’d like her to have a sports activity, but for now, I’m not adding other things. Most likely, I’ll add a sports activity in January, once we have moved to our new place.

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