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Being A Top 2% Researcher

Being a top 2% researcher

2022 was my second year in Ioannidis’ list of the world’s top 2% of scientists, and the first time I’m in the career-long list.

I’m glad to see more representation from Ecuador in the list, and glad to see my university very strong in the group of Ecuador. I also see that the gender gap is still wide in this list (I’m the only woman in the list in Ecuador, apparently).

Of course I’m delighted to find my name in this list – it truly did make my heart beat faster and my cheeks flushed. The recognition of my research is something that is quite satisfying.

After the first feelings wore off, I however thought of things that are more important in life for me: my family, being a good mentor for my students, and the things I truly value in my existence on this planet.

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