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A Day In The Life

A day in the life

Although I don’t have a fixed schedule for work on a daily basis, I wanted to share a typical day in the life. I’m combining my position as a full professor at USFQ with a part-time tenured assistant professorship in the Netherlands. My days are quite different now from 5 years ago, so I wanted to discuss a day in the life.

I’ll try to depict a typical day.

I usually teaching Tuesdays and Thursdays, meet my PhD candidates on Thursdays and Fridays, and try to keep Mondays and Wednesdays for larger blocks of work.

Here’s how a typical day looks like:

  • 6:00 up, get dressed, give medication to the cat
  • 6:20 out of the door
  • 6:35 – 7:30 gym
  • 7:30 shower, get dressed
  • 8:00 in office, virtual meetings with colleagues in Europe
  • 10:00 research or class preparation
  • 12:00 lunch
  • 13:00 teaching
  • 14:30 after-class sorting things out (uploading recording of class etc)
  • 15:00 research or class preparation or meeting or office hours (i.e meet students)
  • 16:00 email
  • 17:00 leave, drive to daughter’s activity
  • 18:00 pick up daughter, go home
  • 18:30 cook dinner, eat dinner, hang out with daughter, bedtime
  • 20:30 finish some more work
  • 21:30 in bed with a book
  • 22:00-ish sleep

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