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What Worked For Me In 2022

What worked for me in 2022

Here’s an additional reflection exercise to do every now and then: looking back at the previous period of time (I’m taking 2022 as a reference) and making a list of what worked for you.

I hadn’t done this exercise in a while, so let me do this analysis publicly.

The following 10 things worked for me in 2022:

  1. Trying to reserve entire days for concentrated work.
  2. Sorting emails in folders (and using email rules).
  3. The childcare that I found in the Netherlands for my stay there.
  4. Working on single-authored papers.
  5. Getting funding from the EU in a consortium.
  6. Preparing an entire course in a short, concentrated period of a few weeks.
  7. Friday meetings with my PhD candidates.
  8. Having a flower subscription for my home.
  9. Returning to having a gym membership.
  10. Having a short but intense visit to Delft.

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