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How I Work When I Work From My Campus Office

How I work when I work from my campus office

I’ve been thinking recently about how the place where I work affects how I work. When I understand better how I work in various spaces, I can plan better what to do where.

Most days, I work from my campus office. Here are some of the characteristics of “how I work” when I work from my campus office:

  • I walk a bit during the day, as I typically have to walk from my office to the other building where most of my colleagues are based, or to the administrative offices. I also walk a bit to the water fountain to fill my bottle.
  • Since the gym is located in the same building where I park, I often am able to squeeze in a workout – either in the early morning or during my lunch break.
  • I have a commute back and forth, so that does take a fair amount of time out of my day. If I go early in the morning, I can be parked within 10 minutes from leaving home, but I often need about an hour to return home in the afternoon because of the traffic.
  • I work on a desktop with two monitors. I have my bullet journal and my daily planner open next to me on my desk, as well as a sheet of paper (which I fold in two) for taking notes of what comes into my mind during the day, so that I can “park” these thoughts.
  • I have a lot of space. My office is relatively large, and I have a meeting table on which I can spread out books or bridge plans.
  • I work alone and typically do not get disturbed during the day. My office is relatively quiet, except for the classroom next door.
  • I heavily lean on all my planning strategies to get my work done.

Have you thought about how where you work influences how you work?

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