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How I Spent My Time In 2023

How I spent my time in 2023

2023 has been a busy year, especially the past Fall semester. I ended up working again more than the year before. I had logged 2188 hours for 2022, and 2023 my time working is back up to 2440 hours on the day I did my end-of-year analysis, two weeks before the end of the year.

As in years past, teaching has been my main task, and I ended up spending less time on writing papers.

All in all, this is how I spent my time in 2023:

  • Teaching: 21.3%
  • Service: 9.9%
  • Learning: 7.4%
  • Research project fire + post-doc: 6.9%
  • ACI Avances: 6.3%
  • Papers: 5.9%
  • Blog: 4.5%
  • BEST research project: 4.4%
  • Meeting TU: 3.9%
  • Admin: 3.8%
  • Planning: 2.6%
  • PhD candidate I don’t officially supervise: 2.5%
  • Career move: 2.3%
  • Meetings: 2.1%
  • Research proposals: 2.0%
  • PhD candidate 1: 1.8%
  • PhD candidate 2: 1.8%
  • Research collaboration: 1.6%
  • PhD candidate 3: 1.6%
  • Research: 1.4%
  • PhD candidate 4: 1.1%
  • Conferences: 1.1%
  • PhD candidate 5: 0.9%
  • PhD candidate 6: 0.8%
  • Research project with industry: 0.7%
  • Email + admin: 0.5%
  • Post-doc I don’t officially supervise: 0.3%
  • PhD candidate 7: 0.2%
  • Contacts: 0.2%
  • Personal emails: 0.1%
  • PhD candidate I don’t officially supervise: 0.1%
  • PhD candidate I don’t officially supervise: 0.1%
  • Post-doc 2: 0.0%

It doesn’t look like my teaching responsibilities will be less any time soon, so I conclude that I should plan for more time for teaching activities on my weekly template.

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