Reverb10 – Day 5: Let go
December 5 – Let Go.
What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why?
(Author: Alice Bradley)
I let go of clutter
I am a giant pack-rat, and one of my challenges for last year was to let go of clutter, both objects and emotional.
Letting go of clutter – objects
I did quite some progress here. It all started earlier in 2009, when I had to move back from the US to Europe. When I left, I filled an entire trash bag with stuff I did not need anymore and another trash bag with clothes to bring to a charity.
Before that,I would keep everything I had. Now I really had to sort out and see what I could take along with me on the flight. I have kept this attitude and started to sort out my things.
By now, I seriously have been thinning out clothes and shoes. Even though I still have too much, I feel that it has become much easier for me to simply throw something away or donate it.
I still face the challenge to sort out my books, and to sort out all the random stuff I have at my parents’ place. That is one of my day zero projects, and it is on that list for a reason 🙂
The first steps have been taken, and I feel that I am progressing bit by bit. Sorting out cupboards, re-organizing and creating more room for the things I really use now feels good to me.
Letting go of clutter – emotional
I only started to try this about two months ago. I would like to attach more value to emotions that are positive and related to the persons I care about, and to drag less negative emotions with me of situations that actually do not matter and persons who do not contribute to my life.
I hope I can report some good progress here in about half a year.