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Blogs I am currently following

Here’s the list of what I currently have in my Google Reader:

About writing

Aliventures: Ali Luke’s blog in which she shares ideas and strategies for better writing.
Explorations of style: On academic writing

Useful tips and advice

addictivetips: Useful tips and tricks with regard to software
Church of the Customer: Business blog
Dumb little man: Tips for life, with content covering a wide range of subjects
Get rich slowly: On money… because frugality blogs are very helpful when you are in graduate school
Lifehacker: Tips, tricks, hacks,…
Mark’s daily apple: Mainly about the primal diet (about which I don’t care), but every now and then an interesting article about the food industry shows up here
Seth’s blog: Short, to the point and well written posts
Stepcase Lifehack: Another blog filled with tips, tricks and lifehacks
Steve Pavlina: On personal development
The Positivity Blog: Covering a lot of topics which make me smile
The Simple Dollar: Personal finance blog
Time Management Ninja: To the point posts on time management
Whole Health Source: Another blog with a primal perspective
Zen habits: Very inspiring material


About science: Posts on several news items in science
Geology Geek: On geology, and much more

PhD Student blogs and blogs about doing a PhD

Alternative PhD: On academia, and outside academia
Daniel and I: Heart-warming blog of a fellow PhD student
Happy Science: On science, doing a PhD, and skepticism of ungrounded popular beliefs
Jane Davis: Blog of fellow PhD student and phd-chatter Jane Davis On (structural) engineering, teaching and research.
Jennifer Jones’ PhD Notebook: Research on the olympics and observations from a PhD candidate
Jenn’s studious life: Graduate student blog, counting down to her first paper
Literature Review HQ: A blog devoted to the literature review, because so many of us struggle with this
Peoplegogy: Blog covering doctoral school, education, arts, life…
PhD2Published: Great content for all PhD students, Post-docs and academics out there
Louter promoveren: Dutch blog from a coach for PhD students
Sara Batts – Research project progress: PhD candidate blog
Sarah Stewart: On education, teaching, research and learning
Silence and Voice: Jeffrey Keefer’s blog on educational research
The research whisperer: Great posts on how to do research
The thesis whisperer: Every PhD student’s staple food
The 3 month thesis: How to write a PhD thesis in 3 months
To Do: Dissertation: Great archives and tools available

Fashion blogs

(because these provide great inspiration on how to put outfits together on a small budget)

Crimson Rosella
Delightful Dozen
Delightfully Tacky
Elegantly academic (special kudos to a PhD student who runs a fashion blog)
Flashes of Style
Hummingbird Girls
Light Witch Spell Book
Scrapbook de la Emma
Selective Potential
The Styling Dutchman
Tick tock vintage
Waking Life
What would a nerd wear

I skim read all posts at first glance, and then read the ones which seem relevant to me.
Recommendations for more reading are very welcome 🙂

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This Post Has 9 Comments
  1. What an excellent list. There are a few on there I read regularly, but I few I didn't know about – so thank you! I am actually going to send this to a fellow PhD student, because I think it's really helpful.PS very flattered to be included under your fashion list. Whoo!Kelly @ Elegantly Academic

  2. Hi Eva,Thanks for recommending my blog. Very honored indeed to be in your PhD listing. However, I'm not doing my PhD (yet!). It's just a Master dissertation that I'm struggling with. Can't imagine myself doing PhD yet but that thought did appear often due to so many PhD blogs that I read. Hehe! Thanks again.

  3. Hi Eva,Would you mind if I put a link for PhD Talk on our blog, Research Salad? I've been following the chat on Twitter and reading here, and I'd love to get our colleagues connected to your great resource!Best,Sarah

  4. Thank you Jenny – I totally love your blog, and the bands you ladies regularly refer to.As for good advice for a starting PhD student: I'd say keep your eyes and ears open in the beginning, and learn from the senior PhD students. But it's a good question – might use it some time soon as a starting point for a post 🙂

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