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Doctoral degrees: facts and figures

I recently came across the following infographic, and would love to share it with you!
The facts and figures are interesting to see, but I must say, that I’m not sure if you can make a distinction between “difficult” and “easy” PhD programs. Saying that a PhD in psychology is “easy” seems to be based more on perception than on data…

Are Doctorate Degrees Worth It

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This Post Has 3 Comments
  1. This facile entry cannot be recommended because it contains so much dubious information. Bill Cosby has an Ed.D. not a Ph.D. and he did it a few weekend sessions, not as a regular student taking classes for semester after semester. He did his thesis on Fat Albert. James Franco has studied for a Ph.D. but has not completed the program. The article mentions medical school, doctors, and Ph.D.s together, showing possible misunderstanding of the fact that the M.D. degree is not a research degree (no thesis), while Ph.D. programs taught in medical school do not qualify graduates to practice medicine. In the list of the youngest Ph.D.s is a 17 year-old who got an \”M.D. in medicine.\” That's not a Ph.D. Someone who got a Ph.D. in 1813 would be going to a university with vastly different circumstances than what we have now so his experience would not resemble what students find in modern universities. The bar graphs under the table labeled Does it Pay Off refer to programs that are NOT Ph.D. degrees. Ph.D. degrees in Pharmacy are not Pharm.D. degrees.

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