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My goals for 2020

As you may have read from my previous post, I tend to plan per semester and per year.

For 2020, I hope to do the following things from my list o dreams:
1. Build our house
2. Visit the Amazon jungle
3. Go on a yoga retreat
4. As a researcher, work on sustainability
5. Drink green juice daily for 40 days
6. Practice the cello regularly
7. Spend more time with my husband
8. Take an NLP course
9. Do a project cooking food from every country

And others:
10. Run a half marathon
11. Visit Banos

Besides these goals for the year, I have the following goals for this semester:

1. Finish a research project
2. Finish another research project
3. Submit 5 papers
4. Prepare experiments
5. Send out a questionnaire on defense formats
6. Work with my visiting PhD student
7. Start my new PhD student in Delft
8. Work on a proposal
9. Rework my Reinforced Concrete II class
10. Start preparing material for the master’s course I’ll teach later this year

1. Keep an exercise routine
2. Play the cello
3. Meditation practice
4. Sleep more
5. Spend more time in nature

1. Start construction of our house
2. Plan 4 trips outside the city
3. Plan 5 date nights
4. Go do something fun with my husband, without the baby

I also added some focus projects for the 12 months of the year, starting with an intention for January 2020 to play with my daughter every day. I’ll need to step up my game here – I tend to do a lot side by side with her (cook while she plays close to me etc), but during the week time is so limited that I don’t get to actually play with her.

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