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My Spring 2021 Weekly Template

My Spring 2021 Weekly Template

As it’s my habit to report and discuss my weekly template of each semester, you can find my weekly template of Spring 2021 here. The most important features are:

  • A writing block in the early morning, which I am currently experimenting with. The first results are quite positive.
  • No more evening work block as a compensation for the earlier morning block, and instead I’m trying to consciously make time for creativity in the evenings.
  • A morning break, a lunch break, and an afternoon break are on my schedule. I may move them a bit around, but I have them on my schedule to make sure I take these breaks.
  • I have started to organize my emails in folders, and address these different folders (Personal, admin, blog, contacts, research, writing, teaching, service) in their designated timeslots.
  • I’m setting a schedule of typical activities for my daughter, so it takes away the thinking of “which activity shall we do today”?

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This Post Has 3 Comments
  1. Hello,
    This weekly template is very realistic and easy to work. Can you please share your excel template with me if you feel Ok.

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