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My Fall 2021 Weekly Template

My Fall 2021 weekly template

As always before the start of a new semester, I have developed my weekly template for this fall semester, which you can see above (I did take out the names of my students with whom I have recurring meetings).

Here are the main changes to my schedule:

  • I’m teaching again this semester, so I am reserving more time for teaching and teaching-related tasks.
  • We are returning to campus, so I’ll be going back to my old schedule that starts at 7am.
  • I am reserving more time for lunch, so that I can go grab lunch with someone, go for a walk, or read a bit. As a result, I’ve removed my morning and afternoon walking break (I’ll be walking my commute anyway).
  • I’m keeping the divide between days for service/admin/teaching and days for research. The exception is that I added in two admin blocks on my research days.
  • I’m planning to get up crazy early to be able to meditate and workout before going to the office.
  • I added in blocks of buffer time to just catch up with whatever pending things or to cushion unexpected changes.
  • I’m hoping to get a better division between work and life by having a physical boundary again.

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