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Evening Routines

Evening routines

As I am trying, for the umpteenth time, a way to get to bed on time, so that I sleep enough at night, I’m becoming more interested in evening routines.

Reading on this topic, I was inspired by the extensive list of evening rituals of Life with Dee. Mine are nowhere nearly as extensive, but nonetheless, I felt motivated to write down my evening rituals – in the ideal world.

In the real world, there is a preschooler who liked to fight bedtime, and I sometimes just stay sitting at the dinner table and scrolling my phone.

But, writing my ideal routines down is something I have been doing in the past. I like to see it laid out, and see how it all could work if the stars line up for me.

I also need to ease my way into bedtime – I can’t just run around the whole evening and then “switch off” and sleep.

End the work day

  • plan the next day
  • log what I did in this day
  • walk home (often listening to an audiobook)
  • feed the cat, give him his medication
  • water the plants
  • activity with my daughter
  • MWF: short workout
  • cook dinner, often while listening to a podcast
  • pack lunches
  • eat dinner
  • drink a cup of wine

Personal care

  • take a bath with my daughter (every other day, roughly)
  • wash my face and put cream
  • brush teeth
  • put clothes for the next day ready

After my daughter goes to bed

I have a short window of time before my own wind-down, and I tend to spend it as follows:

  • Monday: reply personal emails, follow courses
  • Tuesday and Friday: blogging and podcast stuff
  • Wednesday and Thursday: creativity, but too often emails seep in

Ending the evening

  • journal
  • make tea
  • read for about half an hour
  • sleep, ideally by 9:30pm-10pm

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