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My Fall 2022 Goals

My Fall 2022 goals

At the beginning of every semester, I first make my task list for the upcoming semester. In this task list, I review my upcoming deadlines and responsibilities in terms of research projects, graduate students, papers to write, service responsibilities, teaching, and conferences and travel commitments.

Then, I outline a handful of priorities/goals in the categories work, self, and relationships.

For Fall 2022, my priorities are:

  • Submit 4 papers.
  • Develop the preparation report for the next experiments.
  • Guide thesis writing for PhD candidates.
  • Prepare new teaching material.
  • Start new research projects.
  • Get more sleep.
  • Meditate.
  • Write for fun.
  • Get 30-60 minutes of exercise 5 times per week, potentially get a gym membership.
  • Move to our new house.
  • Have 4 family hikes.
  • Have 4 lunch or dinner dates.

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