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Evaluation Of My Spring 2024 Goals

Evaluation of my Spring 2024 goals

At the end of every semester, I take a moment to reflect on what I achieved and what not of my original goals.

Here’s how I did in terms of my Spring 2024 goals:

  • Submit 4 papers: I submitted 1 journal paper and 6 conference papers. I have one journal paper almost ready for submission (getting permissions from funder), and one that I am working on.
  • Develop a plan for a delayed PhD thesis. Done. Now I need to execute the plan.
  • Analyze skewed slab tests. Done, and the draft report is ready.
  • Redesign MSc course to flipped format. Done, and I will record the videos over the summer.
  • Outline two funding proposals. I have 2 concept notes of proposals I am working on, one concept note on hold, and one submitted proposal.
  • Contribute to first deliverable of EU-funded project. Done.
  • Career document presentation and evaluation. Promoted to Associate Professor 🙂
  • Second set of work for fire project. This work is ongoing until October.
  • Analyze natural fiber experiments. Ongoing in a nice collaboration.

All in all, I think I actually did quite well. I also received my student evaluations, and I was a bit worried about this semester as I did not get much response in class, but the grade I received is almost identical to the previous semester.

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