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How I Spent My Time In The Spring 2024 Semester

How I spent my time in the Spring 2024 semester

At the end of every semester, I look at the data in my Toggl reports to see how I spent my time.

Here’s how I spent my time in Spring 2024:

  • Conferences: 10.39%
  • ACI Avances: 9.59%
  • Research proposals: 9.50%
  • Service: 9.40%
  • Teaching: 8.80%
  • Papers: 7.84%
  • Admin: 6.92%
  • Research project 1: 4.18%
  • Teaching TU: 4.08%
  • Learning: 3.88%
  • PhD project 1: 2.64%
  • Meetings: 2.16%
  • PhD project 2: 2.15%
  • Meeting TU: 2.12%
  • Planning: 2.06%
  • Research: 2.05%
  • Research project 2: 1.95%
  • Blog: 1.88%
  • PhD project 3: 1.86%
  • Promotion: 1.63%
  • PhD project 4: 1.51%
  • PhD project 5: 1.05%
  • PhD project 6: 0.74%
  • Cooperation: 0.52%
  • PhD project 7: 0.37%
  • Research project 3: 0.35%
  • PhD project 8: 0.21%
  • Without project: 0.16% (sorry, not sure what happened here…)
  • Email + admin: 0.01% (I’ve been mostly tagging email as part of the projects they belong to)

Here are a few observations from the data:

  • It has been a busy semester and I have worked a lot (and also, a lot of hours)
  • Teaching has taken a bit less time (as percentage, at least, not sure how the total numbers pan out) as I do not have any new course to develop this semester.
  • I’ve ramped up the time spent on writing proposals, as that is where I am at in this season.
  • Avances took a lot of time this semester, as we are applying to indexations and revamped our website.
  • All in all, I am quite happy with how I planned and spent my time this semester.

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