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When It Gets Easier To Give Presentations

When it gets easier to give presentations

I have been thinking a fair amount recently about how easy it has become for me to give presentations – from webinars, via teaching, over conference presentations, and presenting at meetings, to nice keynote lectures (at least, I hope mine are in the “nice and interesting” category…).

The first aspect, of course, is that I have more experience. I guest it just comes with the job – I have to speak (or better: get to speak) at multiple occasions, to various audiences so for sure it gets easier with time.

The second aspect is that I have more material to pull from. Having more materials helps setting up the slides for the presentation quickly, of course.

Similarly, the third aspects is that I know very well how to make slides. OK, everybody knows how to make a powerpoint, but I have my method to make my slides in an efficient way by working on my outline, focusing on my audience and key message, and then pull everything together.

And, last but not least, I have become more confident. I still care deeply about my audience and how my message will be received, but it is less tainted by feeling like an imposter and just general Worry and Stress about whether this stuff will be good enough.

These aspects have made giving presentations easier over the years. Do you recognize any of these parts?

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