Holidays at PhD Talk
Happy Holidays, dear readers!
I hope you all can take some rest, let go of your research, and recharge your batteries. I’ll be spending time with my family in law, trying to talk a lot on Skype with my family and friends in Belgium (missing them gets just a little worse over cozy holidays), and trying to find some holidays spirit while the sun burns (we might schedule a trip to one of the higher towns (> 3000m above sea level), so I get a dose of cold weather to pair with the holidays.
The regular posts will resume on January 5th.
I’m delighted and flattered and happy and more to see how PhD Talk has been growing over the past year. I’m still searching for a direction for PhD Talk now that I finished the PhD – but I decided to just let the topics flow as my life and interests flow, instead of trying to pin myself down. As I evolve, my writing evolves, my academic life evolves and it would be unnatural if the contents of this blog wouldn’t evolve with me.
2014 promises to be another year full of challenges: my first year in which I juggle my research position in Delft with my professorship in USFQ – let’s see how that goes (and let’s see how I do with teaching 3 new courses in 1 semester *__* ).