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Computer Apps I Use Every Day

Computer apps I use every day

A while back, I was asked about the computer programs and apps that I use every day. It’s something Rico and I discussed in a recent podcast, and in that episode, these were the computer programs and apps that I listed:

  • PhDometer: for my daily tally of written words
  • Toggl Track: for tracking my time and analyzing the categories in which I spend my time
  • Evernote: for keeping lists, recipes, photographs of meeting notes, and random ideas
  • Todoist: for my daily reminders of repetitive actions and to plan actions in the future
  • Headspace: for my daily meditation

Besides these tools which I use on a daily basis, I also have the following programs pinned to my taskbar:

  • Pomodone: a desktop app for pomodoro sessions
  • my word count tally: I keep my word count tally in an Excel file. I’ve been doing this for many years, and I still find it motivating.
  • Spotify: I work with music, so Spotify is a daily used tool for me
  • Ecosia: my search engine of choice. It helps plant trees.
  • Dropbox: for cloud storage
  • MS Word: standard pinned to the taskbar on my new computer
  • MS Excel: same as above
  • MS Powerpoint: same as above
  • MS Outlook: same as above
  • MS Mail: My TU Delft mailbox didn’t want to configure with MS Outlook, but MS Mail is fine, for some reason.
  • MS Teams: Because pandemic times.
  • Zoom: same as above:
  • RescueTime: to check my time use and how productive (or not) it is
  • Creative Cloud: to keep my Adobe programs up to date.
  • Norton Antivirus: for rather obvious reasons
  • Firefox: my browser of preference. Always liked the fox.
  • Google Chrome: because some things are not compatible with my beloved fox.

And here are some programs I used in the past but am not actively using anymore:

  • EZBlocker: before I had a Spotify subscription, I used EZblocker to mute advertisements.
  • YNAB: I used to keep a close eye on our budget.

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