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Reverb10 – Day 31: Core story

December 31 – Core Story

What central story is at the core of you, and how do you share it with the world? (Bonus: Consider your reflections from this month. Look through them to discover a thread you may not have noticed until today.)

(Author: Molly O’Neill)

Smile, and the world will smile at you

In other words: think positive.

I try to always think positive and take the challenges which are on my way, although I am often confronted with my own thoughts of fear and doubt.

I try to share some sunshine with the people around me, knowing that if they feel warm and supported, I too will feel warm and happy.

Look at the beauty of the world, the joy of every day’s little indulgences.

I remember that in secondary school, we had to stick some paper to our backs and have our class mates write what they think about you and your strengths on it. One of them wrote: “enjoying life at the fullest.” I was the student who would open to windows to enjoy a little bit of sunshine during class, who would close her eyes and smile because the spring sun is shining on our faces during lunch break. And that characteristic has always been with me, but it has been pushed to the background the past few years.

I hope that, now that I realize this, I can bring this ability back and enjoy every little reason to smile.

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