2022 in review: highlights
To review 2022, I made an overview of the highlights of each month. This is what 2022 looked like for me:
- January: work on collaboration with Danish colleagues
- February: lots of research: analysis report of experiments, programming new SFRC model, doctoral defenses
- March: my things from Europe arrived
- April: lots of service for ACI and TRB
- May: lots of service, mostly ACI
- June: spending time in Delft
- July: keynote in Barcelona for IABMAS
- August: long summer holiday
- September: travel to Delft to be committee member of PhD defense + remote PhD defense of my first PhD candidate who graduated in Brazil
- October: moving to our new house
- November: keynote in Australia for Austroads Bridge Conference
- December: holiday celebrations and looking back on the year
Overall, this is 2022 in a nutshell:
- 3 research projects in the Netherlands
- various smaller projects in Ecuador
- supervising 7 PhD candidates and invovled with 2 more
- about to hire a postdoc
- worked with about 6 MSc students
- worked with 1 BSc student
- 19 publications in Google Scholar and 9 in Scopus
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